Tech Moving Forward Fall 2020

On June 16th, the Georgia Tech Coronavirus Task Force released the plan for the upcoming changes to the fall 2020 schedule. Here are the changes that directly impact teaching and learning:

Academic Calendar
The fall calendar looks different, but students will have the same number of contact days with instructors. Changes have been made to discourage travel, including canceling the two-day fall break currently scheduled for Oct. 5-6 and ending fall instruction by Thanksgiving break. Reading days and final assessments will be administered in a hybrid format, and the calendar will be modified, as follows:
  • Aug. 17: Start of classes
  • Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday
  • Nov. 23-24: Final instructional days (no new material or scheduling of any other assessments)
  • Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving break
  • Nov. 30-Dec. 8: Reading days and final assessments
  • Dec. 9-10 or 11-12: Commencement
Class Types and Schedules
Aiming to retain as much face-to-face experience as possible, Fall 2020 courses will be held in one of five delivery modes, from a traditional format in cases where physical distancing is a viable option to a variety of hybrid options that leverage online technology.
The five modes include:
  • Residential: Courses/sections that are residential with physical distancing measures in place in the classroom. This is the traditional format that we are treating as the desired option.
  • Remote with limited in-person instruction (hybrid):
    • Hybrid hands-on: Courses/sections will offer lectures via remote delivery and bring students to a classroom for hands-on studios and lab activities with social distancing measures in place.
    • Hybrid touch points: Courses/sections will offer lectures in an online format and will bring students to the classroom several times during the semester for meaningful in-person experiences.
    • Hybrid split: Courses/sections will offer lectures both in class and through broadcast recordings using classroom technology but will also bring smaller groups of students to the classroom on a predetermined basis with social distancing measures in place
  • Remote: Courses/sections that are completely remote and delivered online (e.g., OMSCS courses).
Due to a limited supply of instructional space that can accommodate appropriate physical distancing, we will prioritize certain classes for in-person delivery: lab classes, group project classes, senior design classes, small discussion classes, and classes that require interaction with physical projects and equipment in most or all sessions. Details about which courses will be taught via which mode of instruction are still being worked out.
To the best of our ability, we will prioritize the courses needed by graduating students, phase in campus activities as soon as feasible, expand course delivery options and schedules to compensate for reduced class sizes due to physical distancing, expand the pool of students, and allow for flexibility in campus options.
For more information about course delivery and schedules, contact the Registrar’s Office. We’re working through additional details in consultation with college and school leaders and faculty members. We will have more information about specific courses and the mode of delivery in the coming weeks.
For more information about teaching and learning during the Fall 2020 semester, contact your academic advisor or the Office of the Provost at You will also find the message in its entirety on the Tech Moving Forward website, which includes FAQs.
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