Anti-Racist Pedagogy Resources
Given recent tragic anti-Black events and protests against racism, faculty members around the country are talking about how to understand and use anti-racist pedagogies in upcoming courses. Being anti-racist moves beyond decrying racism and into advocacy and direct support for changing implicit biases, calling out structural racism, and interrogating our own individual complicity in racism against Black people in America.
A variety of resource complications on anti-racist readings and pedagogies are circulating across higher ed publications and social media. Here are several of the most comprehensive and well organized for your consideration:
Anti-Racist Resource Guide
This guide provides a wide “variety of resources to explore practical ways to understand, explain, and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity, white supremacy, police violence, and injustice.” While this guide does not focus on pedagogy, it instead focuses educating yourself and acting in anti-racist ways, which certainly transfer into our classroom teaching and relationships.
Becoming an Anti-Racist Educator
This action-oriented guide created by Wheaton College, Massachusetts, provides practical steps and resources to engage educators in higher education in becoming anti-racist.
Start Somewhere: Resources for Equity and Inclusion in STEM and Higher Ed
Created by the Accelerating Systemic Change Network, this list of articles and resources are directly target on “addressing systemic anti-Black racism – within STEM and higher education.”
Open Forum on Implicit Bias and Microagression Resources
This guide asks participants and visitors, “What tools, approaches, or products do you use or recommend for [enhancing unconscious bias and microagressions in digital learning in any sphere <faculty, search committees, learners>?” Resources range from university webpages to youtube videos to online learning opportunities.
Anti-Racist Pedagogy Reading List
This working bibliography curates research in higher education on racism/anti-racism, implicit bias, diversity and inclusion, and social justice.