CTL Updates Learning Environment Toolkit

Last week the Center for Teaching and Learning published a 2nd Edition of the Learning Environment Toolkit. This 24-page booklet is divided into two sections. The first section highlights how seven dimensions of teaching impact the learning environment. These seven dimensions align with the “quality of teaching” questions found in the Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS), which students complete at the end of each term and serve, in part, as a measure of teaching effectiveness. Topics in this section of the booklet include:
- Communicating Expectations
- Stimulating Student Interest
- Providing Clear Instruction
- Sharing Enthusiasm
- Showing Respect and Concern for Students
- Providing Feedback
- Being Available to Students
The second section of the Toolkit explores teaching strategies and communication behaviors that promote student academic well-being. Self-determination theory, advanced by Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, serves as a foundation for this section of the Toolkit. According to self-determination theory, a student’s sense of well-being and motivation are dependent upon the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs – autonomy, competency, and relatedness. Topics in this section include:
- Academic Well-Being
- Autonomy
- Competence
- Relatedness / Belongingness
- Inclusive Teaching
Please use the link below to view or download a copy of The Learning Environment Toolkit, 2nd Edition.