Spring 2021 Future Faculty Programming

As fall 2020 winds down, CTL faculty are already looking ahead to spring 2021. Our future faculty programming continues to be mostly virtual, with credit-bearing courses offered in the hybrid touch points format.
- The Tech to Teaching certificate program helps prepare graduate students and postdocs for faculty positions in higher education. New members can complete the interest form to join and submit a permit request to enroll in spring semester CTL courses. Both CETL 8713, Fundamentals in Teaching and Learning, and CETL 8717, Course Design, meet synchronously once per week (remotely) with the remaining work completed through asynchronous assignments.
- Graduate Student Instructors are invited to earn a Reflective Teaching Badge by participating in the GSI Teaching Seminar. This weekly cohort meeting for graduate student instructors provides a valuable opportunity for new instructors discuss teaching strategies and challenges, especially in our current remote and hybrid context. Apply by January 4.
- New TAs should plan to complete TA Orientation via a combination of asynchronous Canvas modules and remote synchronous workshops. Check with your TA coordinator to learn which modules are required for your TA assignment.
- New this spring, CTL will offer a future faculty learning community on inclusive teaching and mentoring. The goal of this FFLC is to explore different facets of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education together so that participants will leave with the ability to: 1) Describe how identity can shape the classroom and lab environments, 2) Identify barriers to inclusion, 3) Implement strategies to cultivate an inclusive environment in their classrooms and labs and 4) Write a diversity statement for faculty job applications. Apply by January 22.
- Our Teaching Workshop series will include virtual workshops on student motivation, inclusive teaching, evidence-based teaching practices, and classroom assessment techniques. In addition, we will host part 2 of the Future Faculty Job Search Academy, focused on preparing graduate students and postdocs for interviews and job talk presentations on the academic job market.
We also offer specific programming for international students!
- The International TAs program offers networking and support for ITAs through workshops, meet-ups and courses. ITAs are invited to register for a 2-credit course, CETL 8802: International TA Development, which is designed to increase awareness of communication strategies for non-native speakers and academic cultural norms of the US classroom (register on Oscar).
- The Language Institute teaches CETL classes on oral communication (CETL 8797), academic writing (CETL 8723), and presentation skills (CETL 8796) for international students (register on Oscar).
We look forward to your participation in our spring 2021 programming for graduate students and postdocs!