Meet Peter Ariev!

Welcome to Dr. Peter Ariev, who joined the Center for Teaching and Learning in August 2022! Learn more about Peter’s role at CTL and his background below.
What Is Your Role At CTL And What Are You Most Excited About Working On?
My role is a senior academic professional and learning and technology specialist. I’m excited to be working with faculty fellows across academic fields on the Teaching with Technology Partnership. This is a CTL initiative that promotes innovative uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning. I’ll be consulting with faculty to help develop, implement, and assess their projects. I’m also excited to be co-facilitating the Library Studio Academy this fall – a series of workshops focused on helping faculty develop and implement instructional videos in their teaching and gain expertise using the library’s new, state-of-the-art recording and video studio.
How Did You Get Interested In Supporting Faculty Around Learning and Technology? What do You Most Enjoy About It?
I became interested in supporting faculty around learning and technology first when I was teaching graduate students (who were pursuing a master of arts in teaching) and I began to experiment with digitally-enhanced forms of teaching. I found there were some exciting possibilities for strengthening student engagement and learning opportunities. I became especially interested in ways of using instructional technology to enhance feedback systems for students as well as to build more engaging and interactive learning opportunities. As I then began to work as a department chair and in other roles focused on faculty mentoring and development, I became increasingly interested in helping other faculty understand ways to effectively integrate instructional technology in their teaching.
What Is A Recommendation For A Resource On Teaching With Technology You Have For Instructors At GT?
The Center for Teaching and Learning publishes a blog that is an excellent resource for faculty with a rich catalogue of teaching resources, innovative instructional practices, and updates for future workshop and other events. One of the best ways to learn about and become confident implementing new teaching practices is to learn from our blog and read about how our Georgia Tech colleagues are building transformational forms of teaching and the various ways that CTL supports teaching innovations across our institution.
What Is A Fun Fact About Yourself That You’d Like To Share?
I’m an enthusiast of pickleball, the fastest growing sport in the U.S., and I am a certified pickleball coach. I really enjoy the recreational and social aspects of playing and teaching and the way that the sport seems to bring a diverse groups people together to be active and have fun playing a quirky (yet addictive for many) sport.