Teaching Tour of Tech: Escape Room!

Are you new to teaching at Georgia Tech? Play the Teaching Tour of Tech Escape Room to help you learn about teaching resources at Georgia Tech. Use the Teaching at Georgia Tech Guidebook to find the answers to questions hidden within the classroom. Once you have found all the clues, click on the lock and enter the code to claim your prize!
To play the game:
- Go to: htps://bit.ly/TeachingTourEscape
- Click on areas around the room to find clues that will give you your escape code (hint: there are 8 clues).
- Clues are collected by answering questions about teaching and learning resources at GT
- You can find the answers in the Teaching at Georgia Tech Guidebook. All questions come from Section IV: Resources for Teachers (pgs. 52-79)
- When you open a quiz, select your answer choice and hit submit.
- Click on “View Results” to find out if you selected the right answer.
- If you get a question wrong, you can try again! Just go back to the thank you page and click on “submit another response.”
- Keep track of your clues by downloading the Teaching Tour of Tech Escape Room worksheet. (Each numbered line corresponds to the number in the header of the quiz.)
Good luck! If you have any questions, please reach out to Dr. Carol Subiño Sullivan, Assistant Director of Faculty Teaching and Learning Initiatives at Georgia Tech. Learn about upcoming opportunities to connect with colleagues around teaching in the CTL Newsletter.