Fall 2023 CIOS Honor Roll

The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Office of Academic Effectiveness are thrilled to announce the Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) 2023 Fall Honor Roll. Faculty members at Georgia Tech who made the CIOS 2023 Fall Honor Roll have been celebrated by their students for outstanding teaching, marking a significant recognition of their educational impact. Students overwhelmingly praised these educators for their excellent teaching methods and dedication to student success. The honored faculty, representing various departments across the institute, each received a certificate from the Center for Teaching and Learning recognizing their accomplishment.

More information about the CIOS Honor Roll and its eligibility criteria can be found on CTL’s website.

Below are the Fall 2023 CIOS Honor Roll Recipients.

College of Business – Small Classes

Aaron Hackett, recognized for MGT 4304: Strategic Brand Mgt
Daniel Weagley, recognized for MGT 6504: Principles of Finance
Katie Badura, recognized for MGT 6502: Leading People & Org
Manpreet Hora, recognized for MGT 6357: Service Operations Mgt
Tim Martin, recognized for MGT 6772: Mgt Resources-Tech Firms
Vinod Singhal, recognized for MGT 6353: Operations Strategy

College of Business – Large Classes

Arnold Rubinoff, recognized for MGT 2106: Legal Aspects-Business
Deborah Turner, recognized for IMBA 6050: Fin & Managerial Account
Dong Liu, recognized for IMBA 6031: Leadershp & Org Behavior
Eric Overby, recognized for MGT 3743: Emerging Technologies
Gary Jones, recognized for MGT 3079: Mgt of Fin Institutions
Jacqueline Garner, recognized for MGT 3062: Financial Management
Jane Thayer, recognized for MGT 3000: Financ & Managerial Acct
Jonathan Clarke, recognized for IMBA 6230: Intl Bus Negotiations
Narayanan Jayaraman, recognized for MGT 4072: Entrepreneurial Finance
Ravi Subramanian, recognized for IMBA 6021: Data Analysis for Bus
Reemon Silverman, recognized for MGT 2106: Legal Aspects-Business
Richard Wang, recognized for MGT 3076: Investments
Ryan Blunck, recognized for MGT 4026: Fin Report & Analysis I
Saba Colakoglu, recognized for IMBA 6031: Leadershp & Org Behavior
Satyajit Karnik, recognized for MGT 4067: Fncl Mkts Trading&Struct
Tatiana Rudchenko, recognized for MGT 2250: Management Statistics

College of Computing – Small Classes

Adam Hall, recognized for CS 3210: Design-Operating Systems
Cecilia Testart, recognized for CS 8803: Special Topics: Securing the Internet Infra.
Clint Zeagler, recognized for CS 3751: Intro UI Design
Jessica Roberts, recognized for CS 8803: Special Topics: Learning Research Design
Jun Xu, recognized for CS 7260: Internet Arch& Protocols
Laura Huffman, recognized for CS 4010: Intro to Computer Law
Mengmeng Liu, recognized for CSE 6040: Computing for Data Analy
Olufisayo Omojokun, recognized for CS 4010: Intro to Computer Law
Saman Zonouz, recognized for CS 8803: Special Topics: Critical Infrastructure SECTY

College of Computing – Large Classes

Aaron Hansen, recognized for CS 2261: Media Device Architectur
Abrahim Ladha, recognized for CS 4510: Automata and Complexity
Alex Daglis, recognized for CS 4290: Advanced Computer Org
Amy Bruckman, recognized for CS 6470: Online Communities
Ashutosh Dhekne, recognized for CS 8803: Special Topics: Mobile Computing and IoT
Christopher MacLellan, recognized for CS 7637: Knowledge-Based AI
Daniel Forsyth, recognized for CS 2200: Systems and Networks
Gerandy Brito, recognized for CS 2051: Honors Discrete Math CS
Gerard Jan Van Den Brand, recognized for CS 3511: Algorithms Honors
John Stasko, recognized for CS 6730: Data Vis Principles
Mark Moss, recognized for CS 4400: Intr to Database Systems
Max Roozbahani, recognized for CS 7641: Machine Learning
Rodrigo Borela Valente, recognized for CS 1301: Intro to Computing
Sean Wilson, recognized for CS 7785: Intro Robotics Research
Thomas Conte, recognized for CS 2110: Computer Organiz&Program
Umakishore Ramachandran, recognized for CS 6210: Adv Operating Systems

College of Design – Small Classes

Andrew Bruno, recognized for ARCH 4016: Architecture Studio 6
George Johnston, recognized for ARCH 6313: Traditions Arch Practice
Javier Irizarry, recognized for BC 2636: Construction Safety
Leila Aflatoony, recognized for ID 6830: Wearable Tech for Health
Lisa Marks, recognized for ID 3813: Special Topics: Craft Exploration Methods
Mark Cottle, recognized for ARCH 6352: Theory of Architecture 2
Mehmet Bermek, recognized for ARCH 3016: Architecture Studio 4
Robert Thomas, recognized for BCP 8803: Special Topics: Fund Occup Safety Health

College of Design – Large Classes

Kofi Smith, recognized for BC 6685: Leadership in Des&Constr
Lauren Leary, recognized for CP 4310: Urban Transportation
Tarek Rakha, recognized for ARCH 3231: Environmental Systems I

College of Engineering – Small Classes

Andrei Fedorov, recognized for ME 7757: Teaching Practicum
Ashwin Pananjady Martin, recognized for ECE 8803: Special Topics
Balakrishna Pai, recognized for BMED 3610: Quant Engr Physio Lab II
Brian Gunter, recognized for AE 4806: Special Topics: Space Hardware Lab
C.j. Adams, recognized for ME 2110: Creative Decisions& Dsgn
Chrisopher Rozell, recognized for ECE 7721: Future Faculty
Dan Kotlyar, recognized for NRE 3208: Nuclear Reactor Phys I
Erick Maxwell, recognized for BMED 4602: Capstone Design
Francisco Robles Guerrero, recognized for BMED 8813: Special Topics: Optical Microscopy
Gregory Sawicki, recognized for ME 6409: Wearable Robotics
Guergana Ilieva, recognized for ISYE 3133: Engineering Optimization
Hassan Rashidi, recognized for ME 2110: Creative Decisions& Dsgn
Henry Owen, recognized for ECE 6001: Technology Entrepreneur
James Stubbs, recognized for BMED 4602: Capstone Design
John Christian, recognized for AE 8803: Special Topics: Optical Navigation
John Cressler, recognized for COE 3002: Micro/Nano Revolution
Jud Ready, recognized for MSE 3300: Matsci & Eng of Sports
Jye-Chyi Lu, recognized for ISYE 6404: Nonparametric Data Analy
Karl Meyer, recognized for CEE 6521: Reinfor Concrete Members
Kinsey Herrin, recognized for ME 2110: Creative Decisions& Dsgn
Laurie Garrow, recognized for CEE 8813: Special Topics: Airline Revenue Management
Lei Xu, recognized for ISYE 6650: Probabilistic Models
Mary Coker, recognized for ME 4803: Special Topics-Mech Engr: ENGRG Intrapreneurship
Matthew Realff, recognized for CHBE 4030: Chemeng Energy Systems
Matthieu Bloch, recognized for ECE 6605: Information Theory
Maurice Trebuchon, recognized for ISYE 4801: Special Topics: Business Essentials IE Course
Meisha Shofner, recognized for MSE 3225: Rheology
Michael Biehler, recognized for ISYE 3133: Engineering Optimization
Michael Tinskey, recognized for ME 4803: Special Topics-Mech Engr: ENGRG Intrapreneurship
Mohit Singh, recognized for ISYE 7687: Adv Integer Programming
Newman Monrose, recognized for ECE 8813: Special Topics
Nico Declercq, recognized for ME 6760: Acoustics I
Nisha Detchprohm, recognized for ME 2110: Creative Decisions& Dsgn
Richard Cowan, recognized for ME 2110: Creative Decisions& Dsgn
Richard Simmons, recognized for ME 2110: Creative Decisions& Dsgn
Ryan Sherman, recognized for CEE 8813: Special Topics: Behavior of Metal Structures
Shannon Yee, recognized for ME 3322: Thermodynamics
Woonhong Yeo, recognized for ME 6229: Introduction to MEMS
Xiaoming Huo, recognized for ISYE 6501: Intro Analytics Modeling
Yuang Chen, recognized for ISYE 6414: Regression Analysis

College of Engineering – Large Classes

Ahmet Coskun, recognized for BMED 4783: Intro-Medical Image Proc
Alpa Gautam, recognized for BMED 3100: Systems Physiology
Ankur Singh, recognized for BMED 3600: Physio Cell & Mol  Syst
Antonia Antoniou, recognized for COE 2001: Statics
Arthur Delarue, recognized for ISYE 6673: Financial Optimization
Baabak Ashuri, recognized for CEE 4150: Constr Mgt & Megaprojects
Brendan Saltaformaggio, recognized for ECE 6747: Adv Malware Analysis
Cassie Mitchell, recognized for BMED 4813: Special Topics: Syst Neuropath & Transl Engr
Christos Alexopoulos, recognized for ISYE 6644: Simulation
Cong Hao, recognized for ECE 6100: Adv Comput Architecture
David Smith, recognized for ME 3180: Machine Design
David Torello, recognized for ME 2202: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
Diego Cifuentes Pardo, recognized for ISYE 6661: Linear Optimization
Diego Fratta, recognized for ECE 3058: ARCH, SYS, CONC & ENGY COMP
Eric Marks, recognized for CEE 4140: Bldg Info Model Constr
Hermann Fritz, recognized for CEE 4200: Hydraulic Engineering
Juba Ziani, recognized for ISYE 4301: Supply Chain Economics
Justin Zhang, recognized for ECE 2020: Digital System Design
Kevin Johnson, recognized for ECE 2020: Digital System Design
Koki Ho, recognized for AE 6353: Orbital Mechanics
Kyla Ross, recognized for BMED 3100: Systems Physiology
Laura Christian, recognized for BMED 3600: Physio Cell & Mol  Syst
Lauren Steimle, recognized for ISYE 3232: Stochastic Mfg&Serv Sys
Levi Wood, recognized for ME 2202: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
Mathieu Dahan, recognized for ISYE 6333: Opns Res For Sup Chns I
Maysam Nezafati, recognized for BMED 2110: Conservation Prin in BME
Mayuresh Patil, recognized for AE 2220: Dynamics
Michael West, recognized for ECE 2040: Circuit Analysis
Mingfai Fong, recognized for BMED 3100: Systems Physiology
Ryan Lively, recognized for CHBE 6260: Mass Transfer
Saibal Mukhopadhyay, recognized for ECE 6135: Dig Sys In Nano Nodes
Sigrun Andradottir, recognized for ISYE 6650: Probabilistic Models
Skanda Prasad Ponnathpur Nagendra, recognized for ECE 2020: Digital System Design
Stephen Johnston, recognized for ME 3340: Fluid Mechanics

College of Liberal Arts – Small Classes

Aki Matsushima, recognized for JAPN 1001: Elementary Japanese I
Aleksandra Starcevic, recognized for GRMN 1002: Elementary German II
Allegra Smith, recognized for LMC 3206: Communication & Culture
Alzbeta Hajkova, recognized for PHIL 3050: Political Philosophy
Amanda Weiss, recognized for JAPN 3401: Popular Culture in Japan
Andrew Buskell, recognized for PHIL 3180: Biomedical Ethics
Cameron Winter, recognized for ENGL 1102: English Composition II
Carol Colatrella, recognized for LMC 3304: Science, Tech & Gender
Caroline Machado, recognized for SPAN 3040: Pract. App. Span Grammar
Casey Wichman, recognized for ECON 4210: Climate Change Economics
Chao Li, recognized for CHIN 1001: Elementary Chinese I
Charmaine Troy, recognized for LMC 3206: Communication & Culture
Christopher Lawton, recognized for HIST 2112: United States since 1877
Christopher Vidmar, recognized for HTS 3017: Sociology of Gender
Dana Viezure, recognized for HTS 3033: Medieval England
David Marcus, recognized for ARBC 1501: Understand Arab Culture
Franziska Tsufim, recognized for ENGL 1101: English Composition I
German Vergara, recognized for HTS 2100: Sci, Tech & Modern World
Hongchen Wu, recognized for LING 3100: Apps of Linguistics
Ida Yoshinaga, recognized for LMC 3252: Film and Television
Jessica Kim, recognized for ENGL 1101: English Composition I
John Smith, recognized for HTS 2015: History Sports America
Jong Lee, recognized for KOR 1001: Elementary Korean I
Kathrin Koppe, recognized for GRMN 1001: Elementary German I
Katja Weber, recognized for INTA 6102: Intl Relations Theory
Keung Yoon Bae, recognized for KOR 3415: Korean K-Pop/Film/Drama
Kyoko Masuda, recognized for JAPN 4750: Japn Discourse & Grammar
Lee Oh, recognized for KOR 1001: Elementary Korean I
Lionel Gall, recognized for FREN 1001: Elementary French I
Lisa Yaszek, recognized for LMC 3214: Science Fiction
Masato Kikuchi, recognized for JAPN 3001: Advanced Japanese I
Matthew Breece, recognized for LMC 3403: Tech Communication
Qi Wang, recognized for LMC 2500: Intro to Film
Samba Sy, recognized for FREN 2002: French Culture II
Samuel Wunderly, recognized for ECON 6106: Microeconomic Analysis
Satomi Suzuki Chenoweth, recognized for JAPN 1001: Elementary Japanese I
Seung-Eun Chang, recognized for KOR 2001: Intermediate Korean I
Sonia Serafin, recognized for FREN 1001: Elementary French I
Sophie Landrieux Kartochian, recognized for FREN 3120: Fren Convers. & Culture
Wendy Truran, recognized for ENGL 1101: English Composition I
Whitney Buser, recognized for ECON 4401: Behavioral Economics
Yeqing Kong, recognized for LMC 3310: Rhetoric Sci Inquiry
Yongtaek Kim, recognized for KOR 4001: Contemporary Korean
Yumi Parks, recognized for JAPN 2001: Intermediate Japanese I
Zita Huesing, recognized for ENGL 1102: English Composition II

College of Liberal Arts – Large Classes

Kemal Budak, recognized for SOC 1101: Intro to Sociology
Lenny Stendig, recognized for ECON 2105: Prin of Macroeconomics
Mary McDonald, recognized for HTS 3073: Sociology of Sports
Matthew Oliver, recognized for ECON 3300: Intl Energy Markets

College of Sciences – Small Classes

Austin Christian, recognized for MATH 4107: Abstract Algebra I
Colin Harrison, recognized for BIOS 1107L: Biol Principles Lab
Cristian Crisan, recognized for BIOS 3381: Microbiology Lab
Haley Steele, recognized for NEUR 2001: Neuro-Principles
James Roberts, recognized for PSYC 6019: Statistical Analysis I
Jonathan Simone, recognized for MATH 2603: Intro Discrete Math
Julia Kubanek, recognized for BIOL 6756: Signaling Molecules
Matthew Nusnbaum, recognized for NEUR 2001: Neuro-Principles
Samuel Brown, recognized for BIOS 4340: Medical Microbiology
Stephen Diggle, recognized for BIOS 4340: Medical Microbiology
Sven Simon, recognized for EAS 6130: Earth System Modeling
Tiffiny Hughes-Troutman, recognized for PSYC 2005: Expl Multicultural Ident
Young-Hui Chang, recognized for BIOS 4200: Kinesiology

College of Sciences – Large Classes

Adam Decker, recognized for BIOS 3753: Human Anatomy
Markace Rainey, recognized for CHEM 3216: Analytical Chem Lecture
Haiyu Zou, recognized for MATH 1564: LinAlg w Abstract Vec Sp
Christina Ragan, recognized for NEUR 2001: Neuro-Principles
Mirjana Brockett, recognized for BIOS 4651: Bioethics
Robert Richards, recognized for BIOS 4401: Exper Dgn &Statis Methods
Pamela Pollet, recognized for CHEM 2311: Organic Chemistry I
David Collard, recognized for CHEM 4341: Applied Spectroscopy
Scott Moffat, recognized for PSYC 4020: Biopsychology
William Stern, recognized for PSYC 1101: General Psychology
Meghan Babcock, recognized for PSYC 2210: Social Psychology
Zach Walsh, recognized for MATH 3012: Applied Combinatorics
Anthony Rojas, recognized for CHEM 3111: Inorganic Chemistry
Yanli Hao, recognized for MATH 3012: Applied Combinatorics
Tansu Celikel, recognized for PSYC 3803: Special Topics
Christopher Reinhard, recognized for EAS 1601: Habitable Planet
Dobromir Rahnev, recognized for PSYC 3040: Sensation & Perception

Other – Small Classes

Allison Fain, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Bryan Cochran, recognized for VIP 3602: VIP Proj Team: JR II
Craig Womack, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Dana Clark, recognized for ESL W700L: Academic Writing 2 (38)
Jessica Zlotcavitch, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Jewel Perkins, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Joy Stewart, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Karen Peterson, recognized for ESL S700L: Academic Speaking
Katherine Boice, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Lauren Morton, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Marcus Reese, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
McKayla Bohannon, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Melanie Ruefli, recognized for ESL R400L: Reading: Intermediate
Melissa Aberle-Grasse, recognized for ESL SL40L: Speak/Listen: Interm (38)
Michael Dutcher, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Nina Climes, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Quashavia Harper, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
R. Katherine Samford, recognized for CETL 8797: Oral Comm Intl Grads
Yan Liang, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar

Other – Large Classes

Andrea Jonsson, recognized for GT 1801: Special Topics
Christal Dimas, recognized for GT 1801: Special Topics
Eric Schumacher, recognized for GT 1801: Special Topics


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