Georgia Tech Named an AASHE Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum

Georgia Institute of Technology has been named a Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). Georgia Tech is one of only 21 Centers worldwide, reflecting a continued commitment to incorporating sustainability education through courses and co-curricular experiences.
This title is awarded to institutions with demonstrated experience in organizing sustainability education professional development opportunities for faculty and reflects the Institute’s efforts to increase the accessibility and diversity of education for sustainability, including community-engaged sustainability learning and teaching with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a designated Center, Georgia Tech will host annual professional development events open to faculty from other institutions.
“Beginning in 2016, Serve-Learn-Sustain‘s affiliated courses, faculty fellows, and linked courses programs supported faculty to deepen and diversify their sustainability-themed courses, scholarly projects, and community-based collaborations,” said Rebecca Watts Hull, assistant director of Faculty Development for Sustainability Education Initiatives in the Center for Teaching and Learning. “Sustainability Next enabled us to build on that solid foundation to significantly expand transformative sustainability teaching through seed grants that have resulted in sustainability course redesign projects reaching most undergraduates. Our reputation for effective faculty development in sustainability education has led other institutions to seek out Georgia Tech for resources and workshops for their own faculty. We are thrilled to extend that leadership as an AASHE Center.”
AASHE and Its Mission
AASHE is the leading association dedicated to the advancement of sustainability in higher education. It serves a diverse group of stakeholders including faculty, administrators, staff, and students, all committed to driving sustainability innovation. With over 900 members across 48 U.S. states, one U.S. territory, nine Canadian provinces, and 20 countries, AASHE is a global force in promoting sustainable practices within higher education.
STARS Gold Rating
In addition to being named a Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum, Georgia Tech was recently awarded a STARS Gold Rating by AASHE. The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) is the most widely recognized framework for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a university’s sustainability performance. With over 1,200 participating institutions in 52 countries, the STARS program encourages and measures sustainability in all aspects of higher education. Receiving the Gold Rating places Georgia Tech among the top institutions globally in terms of sustainability achievements.
A Broader Commitment to Sustainability
These awards are part of Georgia Tech’s broader commitment to sustainability. Sustainability initiatives include (but are not limited to) the Office of Sustainability, the recently-published Climate Action Plan, the Sustainability Next program, the Center for Teaching and Learning’s UN Sustainable Development Goals Community of Practice, and ongoing work from the Center for Sustainable Communities Research and Education. In addition to the seed grants promoting sustainability across the curriculum, Sustainability Next and the Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems have distributed seed grants supporting sustainability-related research across disciplines. These efforts demonstrate dedication to integrating sustainability into every facet of our operations and academics.
Georgia Tech is proud to be recognized as a leader in sustainability and sustainability education; we look forward to continuing our work and sharing resources to build a more sustainable future.
For more information about the Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum, please contact Rebecca Watts Hull, assistant director of Faculty Development for Sustainability Education Initiatives within the Center for Teaching and Learning. You can also read about the history of sustainability education at Georgia Tech.