Summer 2024 CIOS Honor Roll

Summer 2024 CIOS Honor Roll

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the Office of Academic Effectiveness (OAE) are thrilled to announce the Summer 2024 Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) Honor Roll. Faculty members at Georgia Tech who made the Summer 2024 Honor Roll were celebrated by their students for outstanding teaching and educational impact. On behalf of CTL and OAE, we would like to thank the Honor Roll recipients for their hard work and support of Georgia Tech students!

More information about the CIOS Honor Roll and its eligibility criteria can be found on CTL’s website.

College of Computing – Small Classes

Jin Yu, recognized for CS 3751: Intro UI Design
Pedro Guillermo Feijóo García, recognized for CS 2340: Objects and Design

College of Computing – Large Classes

Gerandy Brito, recognized for CS 3510: Dsgn & Analysis-Algorithms
Rodrigo Borela Valente, recognized for CS 1301: Intro to Computing

College of Design – Small Classes

Athanassios Economou, recognized for ARCH 3007: Art and Arch in Greece
Danielle Willkens, recognized for ARCH 4921: Spec Prob: Hist, Theo, Crit
Mark Cottle, recognized for ARCH 4804: Special Topics

College of Engineering – Small Classes

Balakrishna Pai, recognized for BMED 3610: Quant Engr Physio Lab II
Diego Fratta, recognized for ECE 3058: Arch, Sys, Conc & Engy Comp
Karl Meyer, recognized for COE 2001: Statics
Yuang Chen, recognized for ISYE 6669: Deterministic Optimiz

College of Engineering – Large Classes

Jonathan Chang, recognized for BMED 3310: Biotransport

College of Sciences – Small Classes

Gregory Mayer, recognized for MATH 2552: Differential Equations
Hyun Jeong Kim, recognized for MATH 2550: Intro Multivariable Calc
Karthikeya Sameer Kumar Mamillapalle, recognized for MATH 2552: Differential Equations
Mary Holder, recognized for NEUR 3003: Neuroscience of Behavior
Onur Birol, recognized for BIOS 3755: Human Physiology
Samantha Wilson, recognized for EAS 1600: Intro-Environmental Sci
William Stern, recognized for PSYC 2210: Social Psychology
Zachary Handlos, recognized for EAS 1600: Intro-Environmental Sci

College of Sciences – Large Classes

Adam Decker, recognized for APPH 1040: Sci Foundation of Health
Anthony Rojas, recognized for CHEM 2312: Organic Chemistry II
Klara Grodzinsky, recognized for MATH 1553: Intro to Linear Algebra

Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts – Small Classes

Andrew Nance, recognized for ENGL 1102: English Composition II
Dana Viezure, recognized for HTS 3029: Ancient Rome
Ida Yoshinaga, recognized for LMC 3253: Animation
Jessica Kim, recognized for ENGL 1102: English Composition II
Jin Liu, recognized for CHIN 3400: China Cultural Odyssey

Scheller College of Business – Large Classes

Eric Overby, recognized for MGT 6059: Emerging Technologies
Ryan Blunck, recognized for ACCT 2102: Accounting II

Other – Small Classes

Joy Stewart, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Marcus Ebelhar, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar
Quashavia Harper, recognized for GT 1000: GT Freshman Seminar


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