CTL Award Applications Now Open!
The Center for Teaching and Learning awards portal is now accepting applications for our 10 teaching awards. Each year we honor the best teachers on campus in the following areas: CTL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching...
The Center for Teaching and Learning awards portal is now accepting applications for our 10 teaching awards. Each year we honor the best teachers on campus in the following areas: CTL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching...
I worked hard to maintain an appropriate work-life balance over the past couple of years to minimize the stress of graduate school. I split my time working on campus between the CTL office and...
As we wrapped up a trying Fall semester, faculty colleagues gathered for a CTL workshop titled, Keeping the Spark: Managing Energy in Trying Times. After taking the time to briefly celebrate semester “wins,” we...
Becoming familiar with the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) helps future faculty know where to look for answers to common teaching challenges and, just maybe, reveals opportunities to incorporate action research on their...