Leveraging Peer Review to Support and Enhance Learning at Scale

Are you faced with providing feedback to a large number of students about their projects and papers and wondering how you could make grading easier and more efficient next semester?
Consider using peer review! In addition to increasing efficiency, peer review is an effective pedagogical strategy that enhances learning. Several classes at Georgia Tech are using Peer Feedback (peerfeedback.gatech.edu), a platform designed and developed by Tech’s own researchers and developers to enable students to give each other feedback on course assignments and projects. Substantial evidence indicates that peer review, when implemented successfully, develops students’ metacognitive, personal, and professional skills, and results in improved learning.
Join us for this Teaching with Technology Spotlight session and learn more about what Peer Feedback can offer and how you might implement it in your courses.
During the session, Gabriel J. Perez Irizarry, a graduate of Computer Science from Georgia Tech and CEO at Peer Feedback, will talk about how this system was designed to effectively facilitate and support new educational workflows and how it is being transformed to integrate with Canvas. Dr. David Joyner, a Senior Research Associate and Associate Director of Student Experience in the College of Computing, has used Peer Feedback in his classes since 2014 and will share his experience, strategies, and research about leveraging peer review to support and enhance learning.