Grading Practices with Dr. Al Ferri

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Teaching and Learning Buzz, a monthly podcast from the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech, highlights teaching and learning topics important to the Tech community. Each month, we’ll talk to campus and visiting experts as we explore challenging questions related to teaching and learning and share practical strategies for helping our students (and colleagues) learn and thrive at Georgia Tech and beyond.
Why a podcast? Because Georgia Tech folks are always on the go, and now you can take CTL with you on your workout, walk, or on a flight. We’ll cover teaching and learning topics from our on-campus programming as well as campus initiatives and projects. We hope you’ll take us along with you!
Check back monthly for upcoming episodes on the role of faculty in students’ academic wellbeing, innovative practices such as “upgrading,” and international perspectives on learning.
Episode 1 Grading Practices at Georgia Tech and Beyond with Special Guest Dr. Al Ferri
Carol and Rebecca share student perceptions of how grading practices at Tech impact their learning and academic wellbeing and then delve into three different types of grading strategies – traditional, norm-based, and mastery-based. Dr. Al Ferri, Associate Chair of Undergraduate Education and Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, joins us to look at the research he’s done on grading practices, his evolving perspective on his own grading, and the ways he works with faculty now to (re)consider their practices for better student learning and engagement.
Soundcloud | Transcript and Show Notes | CTL Resources on Grading Practices