Quick Teaching Tips: Flourishing as a Teacher
What does it mean to flourish as a teacher? Now that we’re at the end of a tough year, it’s a great time to reflect on what fulfills us about our teaching and our...
What does it mean to flourish as a teacher? Now that we’re at the end of a tough year, it’s a great time to reflect on what fulfills us about our teaching and our...
Michael Estefan from the University of California at San Diego discovered that group reading quizzes helped build a sense of community among the students in his course while also motivating students to stay on track...
James Lang, author of Small Teaching, shares that his most foundational rule of thumb is to vary his teaching. Finding a balance between routine and making changes is the key to sustaining his and his...
At the POD Network annual conference, Siara Isaac, one of the authors of Facilitating Experiential Education in Learning in Higher Education, shared a process for using questions to develop students’ expertise during experiential learning activities: First step:...